While Colombia has its fair share of crime, most of it occurs in regions / areas that are fairly easy to avoid (such as the border with Venezuela). Most people that get in trouble engage in activities that are a bit dodgy (e.g. prostitutes or drugs). Exercising a bit of caution and common sense will get you far.
Cartagena is a safe city and has been for many years. You will find many police officers in touristy areas like the walled city, Getsemaní, and Bocagrande. Avoid drug dealers and prostitutes, watch out for pickpockets, and you should not encounter any safety issues.
No one will kidnap or murder you. However, you may overpay in a restaurant or loose something on the street.
During the wedding events we will carefully monitor the safety of everyone and engage the required security details.
A few hints that might help
Carry cash instead of a credit card. If carrying a credit card, use one that you can easily cancel + only has little bit of cash on it
Cartagena is generally safe during day time and busy at night. Avoid walking longer distances on empty streets at night. Take a taxi or uber
Best is to get the hotel / restaurant call a taxi and agree on the price upfront. Avoid paying with large bills as they may quickly swap it and say you gave them a much smaller bill...
This is where the trouble starts... If a good looking girl speaks to you... walk away (unless it is your wife...) ;-)
Street vendors
Remember that nothing is for free. The street vendors will annoy you. If you taka a photo of palenqueras (women dressed in colorful clothes and with a fruit basket on their head), expect to pay. When vendors approach you, just say 'no gracias' politely and move on.
Avoid carrying valuables (watches etc.). If carrying a bag keep it safe all the time. Make sure it is securely closed. Never leave it without of sight. Don't keep anything in your back pockets
Blend in
Get a panama hat and dress more like a local. Avoid the shorts and belly pouch look ;-)